The One Where I Am Honest.

I hate myself because I can be so opened and honest I hate myself because I either completely shut people out, or let everyone in I hate myself because I love attention I hate myself because I know posting this is a bad idea, but I'm going to do it anyway
I hate myself because I stay up too late
I hate myself because I do nothing all day because I'm waiting for the night time, but when the night time comes I do nothing because I waited to late and now I'm tired (but I still manage to stay up till 3am on tumblr, trying to force myself to go to bed) I hate myself because I don't wake up until 12pm I hate myself because I have no self discipline I hate myself because I overreact over everything I hate myself because I overthink every possible thing I hate myself because I am so anti-social, keeping myself from making great friendships I hate myself because I can never take anything seriously, everything is a joke to me I hate myself because I get jealous so easily, and the jealousy turns into angry so quickly I hate myself because I always act on the moment, I don't take time to think of what I'm doing, I act on my anger
I hate myself because I am so stubborn I hate myself because I love drama I hate myself because I always start things that don't need to be started
I hate myself because I can't let go of things I hate myself because I suck at math I hate myself because I am so annoying I hate myself because I can be the meanest person ever I hate myself because I can't stand when people yell at me, I'm not strong at all I hate myself because I am so awkward is hurts I hate myself because I suck at reading my bible I hate myself because I know some things are bad for me, yet I do it anyway I hate myself because I am so disrespectful I hate myself because I make things into so much of a bigger problem then they are I hate myself because I cry about the stupidest things I hate myself because I see friendships that aren't really there, making things super awkward I hate myself because I am very protective over the things I love, no one else can have/like them I hate myself because I like things my way, and only my way I hate myself because I can be so controlling I hate myself because I know God loves me and that I am created in HIS image, yet I still find and worry about all these flaws. I love myself and am working on fixing the flaws I can fix and forgetting the ones I can't. I love myself because God loves me and has a plan for me DESPITE all of my flaws.
God love's me even though I have flaws and he is happy he created me
and that's all that matters.




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