The One Where I Rant About Christmas.

(Hello My name is Dayle and I love Christmas, so apparently your suppose to write a introduction about you first? But I'm skipping all that. So Hello, this is my blog. :) Enjoy)

As I am writing this post I am in my basement blaring Christmas music, while I am supposed to be writing for NaNoWriMo, but I decided since I was in this Christmasy mood to write a blog about the reasons you should love Christmas, and why I love it, so these are my many reasons on why Christmas makes me happy!

  1. The Lights! It speaks for itself, the lights make everything beautiful
  2. Christmas music. Okay I don't care what you say, Blaring some Kelly Clarkson: Wrapped in Red, or some of the oldies like Winter Wonderland is always just amazing, and they never fail to boost my mood
  3. This is the day the savior was born! Enough said! Christmas is the day Jesus was born! that should be enough to make you happy
  4. That warm fuzzy feeling. You know you've had it once, whether it was when you were little or yesterday; you've felt it, and if you want the feeling again all you have to do is try to stay positive about Christmas, it never hurts to be happy and joyful while waiting for Christmas to come.
  5. Being a kid again. Waking up at 6am and jumping up around the Christmas tree, shaking the presents, seeing who has the biggest present, trying to peek in between the wrapping paper, it's all something you can only do once a year
  6. SNOW! It may be annoying to drive in, but when your home; with blankets wrapped around you, hot chocolate in your hand, you can't help but admire the grass covered in a sheet of white, it's just beautiful
  7. Decorating. Playing some Christmas music while you set up the Christmas tree, getting out all the lights and hanging them up, some Christmas reefs here and there, with such joy in your heart; it's one of the best feelings
  8. Shopping for your tree. If you buy a real tree; then having the joy of finding the perfect one, or if your like me and enjoy setting up a fake one, Oh the joys of the Christmas tree!
  9. Christmas movies! Any excuse to watch Mean Girls  is good enough for me! But then of course we have the classics! A Christmas StoryHow the Grinch stole Christmas, and It's a wonderful life.
  10. Pajamas. FOOTIE PAJAMAS!
  11. Gifts. Gift shopping can be very stressful, but it is always worth it to see the look on their face, and to show them you care
  12. Family. The Holidays are a time that family can get together
  13. Traditions! My Families traditions have always been; eating frozen pizza for Christmas dinner, and hiding a pickle on the tree; so whoever found it first on Christmas morning gets to open the first present, I've always loved traditions, its fun to look at what happened last year.
  14. Food, food, fooooood! Mashed potato's, turkey, roast beef, sparkling grape juice, whatever you have for Christmas dinner, it's food!
  15. The days waiting. Honestly I love waiting for Christmas, just watching the number go down and your excitement go up, I love it.

Those are 15 reasons why I love Christmas, and reasons why you should too, and if your like me and absolutely love Christmas, but constantly finding your self lost in the worldly reasons, try to keep in mind; the real reason for the season. Happy Holidays!  


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